Well Friends.
Today Max bought the steel spring from the Truck Leaf spring company I found and he gave it to me.
To put it lightly its really heavy I cant imagine swinging it when it is done, there will have to be a lot of counterbalancing in the hilt and decorations. I will weigh it tomorrow and Inform you all of its weight. Apart from its weight is the flaw in it.
It being the leaf spring it is, it has a nice hole part way from the edge in the center of it. This is to accommodate the bolt that holds the stack of leaf springs together. Unfortunately this is all we could find. So the sword might end up a little smaller than anticipated. I will attempt to forge weld the hole closed but this will make it a weak spot. Another method is just to incorporate it into the blade and use it for the section that holds a gem in it as seen in the photos. Yet another method is that I can just bash at it and make the hole a little thinner and maybe hope it closes itself(Unlikely method).
So the great project is underway and so far all my weekends are booked up from here until the middle of feb. Oh the irony.
Well thank you all for reading and come back as soon as I have weighed the monster (Will be accompanied by a photo)